iPhone vs. Droid Comparison

This tip is provided by Diane Ebersole with the State Bar of Michigan's Practice Management Resource Center.

iPhone? – Droid? – iPhone? – Droid? – iPhone? – Droid? How to decide? PCWorld has a new side by side comparison article which might help you decide.


The topic this article doesn’t discuss is provider coverage. If you live and do business in an area where AT&T coverage is not the greatest then the iPhone may not be the best choice for you no matter how badly you would like to be among the owners of the new iPhone 4.

Coverage maps:

AT&T: http://www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer/#?type=voice . Zoom in to double check the extent of coverage in your area. There is also a check box that lets you add 3G coverage to the voice coverage map.

Verizon: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/CoverageLocatorController

Sprint: http://coverage.sprint.com/IMPACT.jsp  

Read the PCWorld article and check out the coverage in your area before you make your decision - buy the right phone with the right coverage.

Remember – "If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable."

Hint – quote from famous person who is sometimes on TV. Don’t just go Googling for the easy answer.