Franklin County Prosecutors Office

Union, Missouri

The Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is hiring an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney.

Job responsibilities are representing the State of Missouri and the Citizens of Franklin County in criminal cases referred to the Office from various law enforcement entities in Franklin County.

Specific tasks include reviewing referrals and making filing decisions on traffic, misdemeanor, and some felony cases, as well as communicating effectively with law enforcement officers, witnesses, and the defense bar.

The Assistant Prosecuting Attorney will be responsible for preparing for and conducting all hearings and trials related to the assigned case load and handling weekly associate court dockets.

Job Number:  01-240624-01:  Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Company Name:   Franklin County Prosecutors Office

The Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is hiring an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. The position will be available starting February 5, 2024. Job responsibilities are representing the State of Missouri and the Citizens of Franklin County in criminal cases referred to the Office from various law enforcement entities in Franklin County.

Specific tasks include reviewing referrals and making filing decisions on traffic, misdemeanor, and some felony cases, as well as communicating effectively with law enforcement officers, witnesses, and the defense bar. The Assistant Prosecuting Attorney will be responsible for preparing for and conducting all hearings and trials related to the assigned case load as well as handling weekly associate court dockets. Desired skills include the ability to work independently, make responsible decisions on cases, and collaborate with staff in the Office and the court system.

The Office uses the Karpel case management system and is mostly paperless. The knowledge of Karpel is not a prerequisite, but computer proficiency is necessary.

Applicants need a Juris Doctorate Degree with a valid license to practice law in the state of Missouri and must be able to pass a drug test.

The starting salary is $60,000 to $65,000, depending on experience.
Other benefits include paid vacation, paid holidays, health insurance, and enrollment in the Missouri Local Government Employee Retirement System (MOLAGERS), the County Employees Retirement Fund (CERF) pension plan, and life insurance.
Additional available benefits include flexible spending, AFLAC, vision insurance and dental plan and a deferred compensation savings plan through the County Employees Retirement Fund (CERF 457).

Interested Parties/How to Apply:     

Candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and job references.

Preferred method of submission is by email to