City of St. Louis Civil Law Department

St. Louis, Missouri

Working manager responsible for acting in the absence of the City Counselor in the administration and management. Responsibilities include: management and assignment of cases to subordinates; oversight and evaluation of various work; making recommendations on legal issues and departmental policy; contributing to the formulation and justification of budgetary requests; representing the City in complex/significant litigation; and advising department heads and City officials.

About Us:
The Office houses more than 80 civil servants.
The City Counselor serves as chief counsel to elected City officials, boards and commissions, as well as departments and agencies.

Job Number:  01-241206-03:  Deputy City Counselor (Litigation)

Company Name:  City of St. Louis Civil Law Department

Essential Functions and Responsibilities:

● Working manager responsible for handling a personal docket including the most complex civil litigation filed against the City of St. Louis that involves civil rights, equity, general tort, personal injury, and administrative law matters at the trial court and appellate court levels in state and federal court.

● Responsible for the management and assignment of cases to subordinate staff, and will act in the absence of the City Counselor.

● Responsible for the oversight, evaluation, and training of the Litigation Unit.

● Responsible for recommendations to the City Counselor concerning major legal issues and departmental policy.

● Responsible for contribution to the formulation and justification of budgetary requests.

● Responsible for review and analysis of legislation as it relates to litigation risks.

● Responsible for providing advice to department heads and City officials.

● Responsible for working independently and exercising sound judgment on a daily basis.

Interested Parties/How to Apply: