Board Minutes


May 10, 2018
Missouri Bar Headquarters
Jefferson City


Morry S. Cole, President

Raymond E. Williams, President-Elect

Thomas V. Bender, Vice-President

Betsy AuBuchon, Treasurer

Sebrina A. Barrett, Secretary


Robert J. Buckley

Michael J. Colona

Mark W. Comley

Hon. Charles Curless

Hon. Joseph Dandurand

Athena M. Dickson

Michael Downey

Shelly Dreyer

J. Brent Dulle

Joel R. Elmer

John W. Grimm

John R. Gunn

Robert E. Jones

Amanda Ketchum

Hon. J. B. Lasater

Andrew Lyskowski

James McConnell

Lauren Tucker McCubbin

Mira Mdivani

Max E. Mitchell

Joseph A. Morrey

Douglass F. Noland

Jason Paulsmeyer

Megan Phillips

John E. Price

Jason Rew

Scott Robbins

Tricia M. Scaglia

Hon. Jason M. Sengheiser

Joan M. Swartz

Hon. W. Douglas Thomson

Maria Zschoche


Present by Telephone:

Alexandra Alpough

Thomas V. Bender

Patricia Hageman

Deanna K. Scott

Jerri J. Zhang


Members Absent:
Amy Bender-Levy

W. Perry Brandt

Dana Tippin Cutler

Deborah K. Dodge

Karen McCarthy

Eric J. Wulff

Also present:

William Bay

Lucas Boling

P. John Brady

Jason Cecil

Anne Chambers

Danelle Cord

Farrah Fite

Kent Hopper

Eric Jennings

Jeff Markway

Cindy Neagle

Dr. Tony Simone

Robert Stoeckl

Gary Toohey

Eric Wilson

Lisa Yankowitz



1.            Minutes:

Mr. Cole asked if there were any changes to the minutes that were included in the meeting materials. It was moved and seconded to receive and approve the minutes of the Board of Governors meetings of November 17, 2017 and January 12, 2018, and the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings of November 17 and December 14, 2017 and January 12, January 26, February 9 and February 12, 2018. The motion was approved.


2.            Finances:

A.            Financial Report

Judge Doug Thomson reported that The Missouri Bar remains in very good financial condition noting that reserves continue to grow as do investments and that operations are on track with this year’s budget. He reported that reserves and investments have increased. He reported that it may be possible to increase the investment position, even more, this year, depending on circumstances in the second half of the year. He reported that income on investments was $150,000 last year at a rate of 1.96%. Judge Thomson further reported that the annual audit took place in April and the final results will be reported at the July meeting.

B.            Fiscal Operating Policy – President’s Office Expenses

Mr. Morry Cole reported that the Fiscal Operating Policy provides for an annual reimbursement to be paid to the president of The Missouri Bar to defray administrative and other expenses which can be incurred by the president and/or his or her firm as part of fulfilling the duties of the office. He reported that this reimbursement amount has been $10,000 since 1995. He provided some comparisons to other state bar presidential reimbursements and described examples of costs that his firm currently incurs related to his fulfilling the duties as president. Mr. Cole proposed that this annual reimbursement amount increase to $25,000, citing that the amount has not been raised in more than two decades. He proposed that this new reimbursement amount take effect starting with the next bar year. He noted that depending on the size and type of firm, expenses and support available to the president may vary. It was noted that this reimbursement has traditionally been disbursed at the end of a president’s term; however, there is no specific timing requirement in the Fiscal Operating Policy, so disbursements could be made, in part or in full, at any point in the year of a presidential term. It was noted that while there is no specific description and/or division of what activities of the president are supported by bar staff versus those which may be done by a president’s firm, it was agreed that a president should generally track activities supported by the firm during his or her term. He noted that such tracking will provide insight for an incoming president as well as an accounting and will be beneficial in gauging whether the annual reimbursement is adequate. It was moved and seconded that the amount of the annual reimbursement for the president of The Missouri Bar be increased from $10,000 to $25,000 beginning with the 2019 budget year. The motion was approved. Mr. Williams recused himself from the discussion and vote on this matter, and Mr. Bender was not present.


3.            Legislation:

A.            Bar-Sponsored Legislation
Mr. Eric Wilson reported on the progress of Bar-sponsored legislation as the end of the 2018 session nears. He referred Board members to the written report provided in the Board materials. The proposed conference committee substitute for SB 569 contains the technical amendments to the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2018-03). It requires a motion in the House to adopt the conference committee report and substitute. HB 1250, originally the Revised Uniform Access to Digital Assets Act (2018-06), now contains other Bar-sponsored legislation: UPAA amendments (2018-03); Gifts in Fraud of Marital Rights (2018-01); and technical amendments to the Commercial Receivership Act (2016-01).  HB 1250 requires a Senate floor vote before it returns to the House, which could accept the amendments and pass the bill before the end of session.  Other bills listed in the report (SB 909 and SBs 946 & 947) include Bar-sponsored legislation, but they are farther from final passage. Neither SB 1025, relating to Qualified Spousal Trusts (2018-02), nor HB 1655, relating to Assignments for Benefit of Creditors (2018-04) have progressed beyond committee referral in their chamber of origin. 

B.          General Legislative Update – Other Bills and Items of Interest

Mr. Eric Jennings briefly reviewed the remainder of the informational packet, including bill statistics (as of May 8, 2018). Currently, only sixty bills have been Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed, compared with an annual average of 150 bills. Only 100 total bills were passed during the 2017 session. The packet included a list of the original Bar-sponsored bills, a breakdown of the bills that now contain Bar-sponsored provisions, and references to non-Bar-sponsored provisions in the same bills. He noted that it is often impossible to control what provisions legislative sponsors pair together in a single bill, so some bills may include provisions on which The Missouri Bar takes no position or with which the Bar otherwise may not agree. The packet also included a list of lawyer-legislators, noting those who are term-limited or not running for re-election. Seven lawyer-legislators will be leaving the General Assembly. The current Senate Judiciary Committee chair is term-limited, and the House Judiciary Committee chair is running in a June special election for a vacant Senate seat. The following section included a list of candidate filings for legislative seats, with known members of The Missouri Bar highlighted in yellow.  Mr. Jennings asked Board members to inform Government Relations if they know about lawyers running for office who are not identified as such in the list. Finally, the packet included information on active initiative and referendum petitions, as well as constitutional amendments progressing through the General Assembly. 


4.            Policy for Selection of ABA Delegate

Judge Sengheiser reported that a small committee of the Board of Governors that consisted of himself, Tricia Scaglia, and John Gunn utilized work previously done by the Appointments Committee to formulate a recommendation to change the policy for The Missouri Bar’s selection of delegates to the ABA. He noted that a written proposal was included in the meeting materials. He explained that overall The Missouri Bar selects seven delegates to the ABA. He noted that the proposed policy would change the number of past president delegates from four to three; it would change the number of at-large delegates from one to two; it would establish that the diversity delegate rotate between St. Louis, Kansas City and outstate, consistent with other Missouri Bar practices; and it would add a more stringent reporting requirement from delegates. He explained that the at-large positions are intended to allow those delegates to get more involved in the ABA, including leadership positions, which will often require a longer-term interest and commitment. He noted the addition of a second at-large delegate and the reporting requirements are designed to maintain a strong level of value to The Missouri Bar from ABA involvement. It was moved and seconded to approve the adoption of the proposed changes to the policy. The motion was approved.


5.            Appointments:

A.            May Appointments 

(1)          Fee Dispute Resolution Committee

Mr. Douglass Noland reported that the terms of Melinda Grace-Beasley and Donna C. Thomas are expiring and neither is eligible for reappointment. He reported that the Appointments Committee recommends the appointment of Debra Snok-Adams to fill the lawyer vacancy and the appointment of John Mehner to fill the non-lawyer vacancy. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendation. The motion was approved.

(2)          Missouri Judicial Performance Review Committee

Ms. Athena Dickson reported that the initial terms of seven members of the Missouri Judicial Performance Review Committee are expiring and all of the appointees with the exception of one lawyer member, Keith Hicklin, and one non-lawyer member, Brian Fogle, are willing to serve a second term. She reported that the Appointments Committee recommends the reappointment of Douglass Noland, George W. Steincross, Michael D. O’Keefe, Herman Styles, and Charles W. Schields for a second term. She reported that the Appointments Committee sought nominations to fill the two vacancies for the committee members who declined a second term and recommends the appointment of Jeremy L. Webb to fill the lawyer vacancy and Bill Owen to fill the non-lawyer vacancy. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendations as stated. The motion was approved. Judge J.B. Lasater and Judge Jason Sengheiser abstained.

(3)          ABA House of Delegates

Ms. Dixon reported that the terms of John Johnston, Lynn Ann Vogel and Patrick Starke are expiring and they are not eligible for reappointment. She further reported that with the approval of the new policy for the selection of ABA delegates which reduced the number of past president delegates from four to three, two of these three delegate positions must be filled. She reported that the committee recommends the appointment of Reuben Shelton and Erik Bergmanis to fill the two vacancies. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendation as stated. The motion was approved.

Ms. Dixon further reported that the Appointments Committee will solicit applications for the newly established second at-large delegate appointment to the ABA as approved earlier via ESQ, the weekly e-news for The Missouri Bar. The applicants will provide their relevant experience and qualifications in relation to this delegate position. She further reported that the Board of Governors will convene by telephone to select this delegate prior to the ABA’s June deadline.

(4)          Intervention Committee

Mr. Noland reported that the term of Mr. Jeffry Thomsen is expiring and he does not wish to be reappointed. Mr. Noland reported that the Appointments Committee recommends the appointment of Ms. M. Courtney Koger to fill this vacancy. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendation. The motion was approved.


6.            Board of Governors Training:

Mr. Morry Cole introduced Ms. Lisa Yankowitz of Informed Workplace who provided a training program entitled: Reinforce Harassment Prevention Through Compliance and Culture.


7.            Member Benefits:

Mr. Lucas Boling reported that Member Benefits has notified The Missouri Bar of its intent to renew the three-year agreement entered into in September of 2015 in which Member Benefits assists Missouri Bar members, members’ employees and all eligible dependents of members and members’ employees to purchase health insurance products and other services through The Missouri Bar Private Insurance Exchange. He reported that Member Benefits requests that the renewed agreement delete Section V.L.9, which requires Member Benefits provide a written report every six months of each insurance carrier’s most recent financial reporting, noting that there is no consistent financial reporting among carriers as a reason in support of this change. It was moved and seconded to authorize the Executive Director to renew the agreement with Member Benefits with the elimination of the Section V.L.9 as requested. The motion was approved.


8.            Supreme Court of Missouri Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts & ABA Update:

Mr. Bill Bay provided a report on the Supreme Court of Missouri’s Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness, outlining the latest demographic information collected and noting the role that the commission has played in addressing issues in the state’s legal system. He reported that the commission participated in the Annual Conference of the National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts held in St. Louis last year. He noted that the work of the commission recently added two additional areas of focus – data and public engagement – to the six focus areas previously identified – civil justice, criminal law, judiciary, juvenile courts, municipal courts and the practice of law. He announced that OSCA has hired a diversity officer. He thanked the Board of Governors and The Missouri Bar Foundation for the financial seed money that was instrumental in funding the work of the commission.

Mr. Bay provided an update about key leadership positions held by Missouri lawyers within the ABA. He reported that Doreen Dodson has been elected to the ABA Board of Governors to serve the remainder of the term of Joe Whisler who passed away in December. He noted that C. Ronald Baird is Missouri’s State Delegate and noted that as many as 60 Missouri lawyers and judges hold positions with the ABA and the National Association of Bar Executives. He reported that the goal of the ABA is to make lawyers better and noted that the ABA is the largest professional organization in the world. He reported that the organization provides a national voice for the profession while working closely with state bar associations and is committed to providing resources to improve the profession. He reported that the ABA will be undergoing reorganization changes in the coming years in an effort to be more nimble and efficient, noting that some of the prominent changes include a lower dues structure, more free sections and resources, and a more accessible online presence. He related that policy changes on the horizon include a recommendation for significant changes in the advertising rule, changes to legal education and a major “Blueprint Initiative” for solo and small firm lawyers. He reported that if the legal profession is going to continue to lead and support democracy, it needs a national voice, and he noted that there are many opportunities for the state bars and its members to be involved in the ABA. He encouraged the Board of Governors to support and encourage this involvement.

Mr. P. John Brady reiterated the importance of the ABA and the active involvement within that organization by Missouri lawyers. Mr. Brady also paid tribute to former Missouri Bar President Joe Whisler, commending him as a lawyer, friend and someone who was always involved and supportive of the profession and bar associations at the local, state and national levels and how he provided an example to others about the value of such involvement. He reported that a gathering is planned for Friday, May 11 in Kansas City to celebrate Mr. Whisler’s life and encouraged all who can attend to take part.


9.            Military Spouse Admission Rule:

Ms. Sebrina Barrett reported on a request from the Military Spouse JD Network to support efforts within Missouri to work with our state’s bar admission authorities to develop and approve a recommendation to the Supreme Court of Missouri for appropriate rule changes that would permit admission without examination to qualified attorneys who are dependents of active duty, non-resident service members of the United States Uniform Services. Ms. Barrett explained that the initiative of the Network is intended to improve the lives of military families and service members whose spouses face licensing barriers due to frequent transfers, which often interfere with a spouse having practiced the requisite amount of time in a reciprocal jurisdiction to be afforded admission upon motion. She indicated that this proposal was reviewed and supported by The Missouri Bar’s Veterans and Military Law Committee, with the caveat that a proposed rule require that the applicant for admission take the online version of the Missouri Educational Component Test (MECT). Ms. Barrett also reported that the Executive Committee reviewed the Military Spouse JD Network request as well as the report of the Veterans and Military Law Committee and also recommends that the Board of Governors support this initiative. She reported that the Executive Committee recommends The Missouri Bar conceptually work with the Missouri Board of Law Examiners to develop proposed rule changes that permit admission without examination for active duty military spouses which address the obstacles encountered in the Network’s proposal, that incorporate the completion of the MECT as recommended by the Bar’s committee, and that are drafted so as to work in concert with other related rules which may be impacted by the change. Ms. Barrett reported that the goal would be to develop a proposed rule that is acceptable to both The Missouri Bar and the Board of Law Examiners and jointly recommend a rule change to the Supreme Court of Missouri. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendation. The motion was approved.


10.          Assessment Committee Report:

Mr. Brent Dulle reported that the Board Assessment Committee, the Missouri Bar Division Chairs, and staff met on February 28 to conduct the annual evaluation of a portion of the 48 open enrollment standing committees for continued relevance. He noted that 10 committees were reviewed during the meeting utilizing quantitative information related to each committee’s activities in relation to the uniform committee scope during the previous three-year period as well as qualitative information attained through a survey of committee members, committee leadership, and divisional perspectives. He called attention to the list of committees evaluated during the meeting which was provided in the board materials. He reported that the Board Assessment Committee and Division Chairs assessed that nine of the 10 committees listed remain relevant and beneficial for members of The Missouri and should remain in active status. He further reported that the Board Assessment Committee and Division Chairs recommend that the Knowledge Management Committee be inactivated, noting extremely low interest and membership, no leadership interest, and a lack of relevance to membership. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendations as stated. The motion was approved.


11.         Strategic Planning:

Mr. Ray Williams and Ms. Amanda Ketchum provided an overview of the strategic planning initiative which culminated in the approval of strategic a direction approved by the Board of Governors in 2017. Mr. Williams reported that as part of the ongoing strategic direction, the Strategic Planning Committee is tasked with reviewing existing and proposed programs and activities and offering recommendations to begin, expand, alter, end or continue such programs and activities. He further reported that the Strategic Planning Committee reviewed 30 new and existing programs for this year and made recommendations for each which were included in the written report provided in board materials. He and Ms. Ketchum briefly reviewed and described each of the programs recommended to begin or expand, which included programs categorized in the areas of Civic Education; Member Education; Benefits and Services; Diverse and Inclusive Membership; Government Relations; and Public Relations. Ms. Ketchum and Mr. Williams next reviewed and described the programs and activities recommended to end which included programs categorized in areas of Civic Education and continued with programs recommended to continue with alterations. These included programs and activities related to Access to Justice; Civic Education; Member Education; Benefits and Services; and Public

Relations. Mr. Williams and Ms. Ketchum concluded with a review of programs and activities recommended to continue as is. These related to programs and activities tied to Access to Justice; Civics Education; Diverse and Inclusive Membership; and Public Relations. It was moved and seconded to approve the recommendations of the Strategic Planning Committee as reported and as included in the written recommendations report provided in the meeting materials (Strategic Planning Committee report attached). The motion was approved.


12.          Officers’ Reports:

A.                  President's Report

Mr. Morry Cole commended the condition and upkeep of The Missouri Bar campus facilities, noting the positive image the Missouri Bar buildings represent in Jefferson City. 

Mr. Cole reported that discussions continue related to the value of a pro bono rule which would allow lawyers who are in an inactive status to provide pro bono services and for such a new proposed status to have different MCLE requirements within such a rule. He noted that such a status has been a point of discussion and included as part of the access to justice recommendations included in the report of the Joint Supreme Court of Missouri and Missouri Bar Commission on the Future of the Profession as well as supported with related committees and commissions. He cited statistics for the typical number of lawyers who take advantage of such a rule option in other states where such a status exists, noting that states with three times the number of lawyers as The Missouri Bar typically average approximately 15-30 lawyers under such status. He further discussed the cost/benefit ratio related to the maintenance of separate MCLE requirements as compared to the potential number of lawyers who may be expected to take advantage of the status. He noted that an alternative approach to a rule change and separate MCLE requirements has been proposed as a possible option for critical consideration by those who are advocating for a rule change. He explained that the alternative approach would provide funding, perhaps by The Missouri Bar Foundation, to pay the annual enrollment fees for the first 10 members of The Missouri Bar who would agree to provide a certain number of hours of pro bono annually and not otherwise participate in the practice of law. He noted that such a proposal would have the benefit of recruiting a similar number of lawyers as is typically the case under a rule change; would not create a new category of lawyer licensing status and the resulting costs to administer such a status; and would remove any barrier for a lawyer taking advantage of this program from reentry to active status, unlike the reentry requirements for those returning to active from an inactive status. He provided an example of someone who might take advantage of this opportunity to do pro bono work as a lawyer taking a break from the active practice to care for small children.

Mr. Cole explained that a new policy is being proposed in an effort to improve responsiveness in regards to individual board member lodging needs and requirements of board meetings and activities. It was moved and seconded to establish a new policy that members of the Board of Governors will be communicated with electronically two times, followed by a third contact by telephone, requesting lodging needs and requirements related to board meetings and activities. If no response is received, the lodging reservation for the board member will be canceled. He noted that this policy will save money annually on unused hotel rooms for board members. The motion was approved. Mr. Cole asked that this information be added to new board member orientation and that the new policy be conveyed in writing to all current members of the Board following this meeting.

Mr. Cole provided highlights of a written report included in board materials, noting the recent outreach activities which included a recent trip to Southeast Missouri where he and Chief Justice Zel Fischer spoke to more than 500 people at meals as well as interviews with media. He noted that a similar trip is scheduled for Hannibal in June. He further highlighted a recent trip to Washington D.C. to participate in ABA Legislative Days, noting that all meetings with members of Congress focused on increased funding for Legal Aid. He reported that he participated in spring enrollment ceremonies at the Supreme Court of Missouri in April and provided a handout to each new member that included a condensed version of six key attributes which formed the basis of his President’s Page series during his term, attributes that he has observed and learned are common among the best lawyers.

Mr. Cole concluded by reporting on some incorrect communication that recently circulated regarding referral activities as part of the Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program (MOLAP) services provided to members. Mr. Cole indicated that recent harsh communication by some members of The Missouri Bar contending that referrals were not being made from MOLAP to volunteer members of that program was incorrect. He noted that he met with everyone who had made the comments, provided factual information and statistics that disprove the comments circulated, and explained circumstances where referrals are not made due to privacy preferences and HIPAA regulations. He commended the MOLAP program and the good that it does offer 24/7 providing assistance to members of The Missouri Bar related to substance concerns and mental health issues ranging from stress to areas as grave as suicide intervention. He indicated that these services not only impact the lives of the lawyers seeking them, but also the firms, colleagues, and families of these lawyers as well as the profession, and he and the Board of Governors commended the work of Ms. Chambers on behalf of the profession.

Mr. Cole also reported that his firm recently adopted the Model Policy for Law Firms Addressing Impairment, which had been endorsed by this body. He encouraged members of the Board of Governors to initiate discussion within their firm to consider adoption of the policy. He noted that the adoption of the policy by his firm was included in ESQ., noting that publicizing the adoption by firms can be a positive way to inform the bar about the policy and encourage a wider level of adoption within firms. He reported that a similar notice would be included in ESQ., when a board member’s firm adopts the policy.

B.            President-Elect’s Report

Mr. Ray Williams also reported about the ABA Legislative Day activities, noting the welcome that those participating received from the Missouri delegations in the U.S. House and Senate. He discussed efforts to maintain the public loan forgiveness program, noting the threat exists that the program may end and discussing its importance to new lawyers entering the profession with significant debt. He described how direct interaction with lawmakers at the federal level makes a tangible difference, noting an example of ABA efforts to assist in the immigration issues to ensure that immigrants have effective legal counsel and also federal grants for treatment courts that impact state criminal justice efforts. He commented on the young Missouri lawyers in the offices of our federal delegation who are making a difference in government.
Mr. Williams also noted that the committee working on the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of The Missouri Bar in 2019 is considering a range of ideas to celebrate this milestone and that ideas from members of the Board of Governors are welcome and encouraged.

Mr. Williams reported that the educational programming is close to being completed for the upcoming Annual Meeting, calling attention to the plenary sessions which will feature presentations on cybersecurity; election law and gerrymandering; and gun violence efforts beyond a Second Amendment debate.

He concluded by encouraging members of the Board of Governors to take the opportunity to attend individual committee meetings tomorrow during the Spring Committee Meetings at Capitol Plaza Hotel. 

C.            Vice-President's Report

No report.

D.            Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Betsy AuBuchon provided an update from the Supreme Court of Missouri, reporting that the Court recently held spring enrollment ceremonies, welcoming 156 new lawyers to the practice in Missouri. She reported that approximately 600 lawyers recently had their law licenses suspended for delinquent enrollment fees or non-payment of taxes. She reported that the Supreme Court of Missouri has hired a diversity and inclusion director, noting that this staff member’s role will focus on the review of all aspects of the judiciary including staff composition, educational training, and civil and criminal reform committees. She also reported that the Court has adopted a paid parental leave policy which goes into effect July 1. She further reported that the Missouri Legislature has tasked the Missouri Judicial Conference with redrawing circuit parameters, noting that this work will be underway during the next few years with a due date for a redrawn circuit map due Jan. 1, 2020. She concluded by noting that the Supreme Court of Missouri continues to take recommendations from the Board of Governors into consideration and has recently approved changes to Rule 15, as recommended.

E.            Executive Director's Report

Ms. Sebrina Barrett thanked Ms. Betsy AuBuchon for the role she plays in fostering the close relationship that is maintained between The Missouri Bar and the Supreme Court of Missouri. Ms. Barrett also thanked the leadership of The Missouri Bar and the Board of Governors for the strong support of the directors and staff of The Missouri Bar, noting the importance of this support in setting the tone for a positive, constructive work environment that fosters creativity and a positive workplace.

(1)          Media Relations Reports  

Ms. Sebrina Barrett called attention to the media relations report contained in the meeting materials and encouraged members of the Board of Governors to review the information.

(2)          Board Election Update

Ms. Barrett reminded members of the Board of Governors that the deadline to file a petition to run for the Board of Governors has been moved to June 20, noting that this information has been communicated widely to members of the bar. She further reported that The Missouri Bar will pull member voting district data for OSCA to use in the upcoming election soon. She indicated that members have been prompted to review their records to be sure their district information is updated, so they can vote for their board representation later this summer.

(3)          Director Spotlight

Ms. Cindy Neagle provided an overview of her duties and responsibilities as MCLE Director, a position she assumed approximately one year ago after holding positions as the CLE Programs Attorney and Law Practice Management Attorney with The Missouri Bar during the past five years. She reported that the MCLE Department tracks lawyer compliance with Rule 15, accredits MCLE programs for sponsors and lawyers, certifies compliance for lawyers returning to active status whether previously inactive, suspended or even disbarred. She reported that her area also assists in tracking CLE requirements for the family law commissioners as well as municipal judges. She provided a statistical snapshot of the volume of this work on an annual basis utilizing data from 2016-17, including verification of more than 28,000 individual compliance reports and the accreditation of more than 17,500 programs, as well as thousands of follow-up correspondence related to compliance.

She further reported on her role in managing the Client Security Fund, noting that she works with the Client Security Fund Committee to review and recommend payment of claims under the fund. She noted that this committee reports to the Board of Governors and the Office of Chief Disciplinary Council and Advisory Committee and 83 claims were recommended for payment last year.

Ms. Neagle further reported that she serves as liaison to the Commission on Women in the Profession and the Leadership Academy. She is also chair of The Missouri Bar Workplace Committee, which coordinates holiday and other gatherings for the staff.

She ended with recognition and accolades for the members of her team: Robin Butler, Angie Schanzmeyer, and Sandra Laurich.


13.          Spotlight - District #2:

Mr. Morry Cole noted that each meeting during the year features a spotlight on the practice of law in one area of the state. Mr. Cole introduced Mr. James McConnell who provided a description of the practice of law in Northeast Missouri.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,



Sebrina A. Barrett, Secretary