Joint Commission on Women in the Profession

The Joint Commission on Women in the Profession was formed July 9, 2013, by order of the Supreme Court of Missouri and in conjunction with The Missouri Bar. The Commission is charged with assessing the status of women in the profession, identifying barriers to their advancement, combating bias in the justice system and in the legal profession, and with securing full and equal participation of women in the legal profession. The Commission is co-chaired by Amy Bender-Levy and Stephanie L. Wan, and is comprised of members selected by the Court and the bar.

Since the commission's inception in 2013, it has accomplished many advancements towards its mission.  Achievements of note include:

  • Successfully advocated for a revision to the annual attorney enrollment form to include a voluntary check-box for gender, which helps facilitate analysis of women's representation in Missouri's legal profession. Current demographic information may be viewed here.
  • Provided research and recommendations to the Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, advocating for amendments to 1 CSR 20-5.020 to expand family leave policy for state employees.
  • Collaborated with the Women’s Foundation to provide research and recommendations to the Supreme Court of Missouri and The Missouri Bar advocating for paid parental leave for all judiciary and bar staff. Both bodies adopted policies providing six weeks’ paid leave. 
  • Successfully advocated for lactation accommodation in state courthouses. Supreme Court Operating Rule 7.01.C.15 mandates lactation accommodations (i.e., break time and appropriate facilities) for court employees who are nursing mothers to pump at work under FLSA-compliant conditions.
  • Successfully advocated for revisions to Supreme Court Rule 6.06 governing the return to active status to streamline the reactivation process and remove barriers to re-entry after a voluntary hiatus from practice.
  • Hosted the program Blueprinting for Success, focusing on sponsorship, promotion, networking, and leadership, featuring national expert Debbie Epstein Henry. (2018)


Commission Members

Amy Elise Bender Levy
Amy Elise Bender Levy
Paule Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C.
Stephanie Leilani Wan
Stephanie Leilani Wan
United States Attorney's Office
Hon. Ginger Kay Gooch
Hon. Ginger Kay Gooch
Liaison to Supreme Court
Supreme Court of Missouri
Elizabeth Reed
Elizabeth Reed
MoBar Staff Liaison
The Missouri Bar
Lynne Jaben Bratcher
Lynne Jaben Bratcher
Bratcher Gockel Law, LC
Hon. S. Margene Burnett
Hon. S. Margene Burnett
16th Judicial Circuit, Division 7
Hon. Madeline Orling Connolly
Hon. Madeline Orling Connolly
Civil Courts Building
Kathleen Schlef Hamilton
Kathleen Schlef Hamilton
Kristy Ann Lambert
Kristy Ann Lambert
Missouri Commission on Human Rights
Mollie Gentry Mohan
Mollie Gentry Mohan
Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan & Jackstadt, PC
Christa Barber Moss
Christa Barber Moss
United States Attorney's Office
Thomas Kelly Neill
Thomas Kelly Neill
Gray Ritter Graham
Douglass F. Noland
Douglass F. Noland
Noland Law Firm, LLC
Phyllis Anne Norman
Phyllis Anne Norman
Norman and Graves
Dawn Marie Parsons
Dawn Marie Parsons
Shaffer Lombardo Shurin PC
Kristen Elizabeth Paulsmeyer
Kristen Elizabeth Paulsmeyer
Missouri Public Entity Risk Management Fund (MOPERM)
Hon. Jason Mark Sengheiser
Hon. Jason Mark Sengheiser
Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis
Erica Blume Slater
Erica Blume Slater
Gunn Slater
Josephine Larison Stockard
Josephine Larison Stockard
Greene County
Hon. Janet Lodwick Sutton
Hon. Janet Lodwick Sutton
Missouri Court of Appeals
Joanna Lang Winslade Trachtenberg
Joanna Lang Winslade Trachtenberg
TGH Litigation LLC