Complaint Resolution Program

Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 5.10, the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel will refer to the Complaint Resolution Program those complaints it believes may be resolved through an alternative resolution process rather than through formal disciplinary proceedings. Such complaints will be processed as provided by the Complaint Resolution Program Guidelines.

Please be advised that disciplinary matters relating to the conduct of an attorney are not within the purview of The Missouri Bar. The Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel is instead tasked with conducting a fact-finding investigation when complaints are made that a lawyer has engaged in any activities that might violate the Rules of Professional Conduct.

To contact the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel, please find their information below:

3327 American Avenue

Jefferson City, Missouri 65109

(573) 635-7400


If the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel has referred a complaint to the Complaint Resolution Program, you may contact The Missouri Bar at the below:

The Missouri Bar

Attn: Complaint Resolution Program

P.O. Box 119

Jefferson City, MO 65102

(573) 638-2260