University of Missouri School of Law

Columbia, Missouri

The University of Missouri School of Law is seeking applicants to serve as the Director of the Criminal Practice Clinic.

To fill this position the School of Law invites applications from experienced attorneys who are committed to preparing students to become just, ethical, and effective prosecutors and public defenders.

Job Number:  01-250207-04: Director Criminal Practice Clinic and Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Company Name:  University of Missouri School of Law

Prior to enrolling in the Criminal Practice Clinic, students will complete a semester course entitled Missouri Criminal Practice. This course is similar to a Trial Practice course, but with special focus on Missouri criminal practice and procedure. The course centers on a criminal case fact pattern which is used in simulations from the drafting of charges through sentencing and post-sentencing procedures.

The Criminal Practice Clinic, itself, is a hybrid live-client clinical program. It consists of hands-on practical experience through a field placement in a local public defender or prosecutor office supervised by Clinic faculty, along with a weekly classroom component and faculty assistance preparing for court appearances and providing substantive feedback.

For the field placements, students are assigned to an attorney in their respective offices. Under Rule 13, students handle cases from their assigned attorney’s caseload with increasing responsibility and proficiency as the semester progresses. Clinic faculty, including the director, oversee the classroom component of the course. Clinic faculty assist in the preparation of pleadings and court appearances, review written work throughout the semester, and engage in practice arguments and witness examinations with students prior to court hearings. The director and other clinic faculty attend court hearings to provide feedback to students.

The individual hired as Director of the Criminal Practice Clinic will have the title of Associate Clinical Professor of Law.
The position is a regular, non-tenure track position.
General duties will include teaching the Missouri Criminal Practice course, one section of the Criminal Practice Clinic, and additional courses related to criminal law.
As clinic students will work with a prosecutor’s or public defender office, the Director will work closely with agencies and attorneys working with our students, oversee student interaction with those offices and clients, facilitate students access to resources required for their assistance with representation, review proposed drafts of student work and preparations for trial, and otherwise oversee the education of the clinic’s students.

Interested Parties/How to Apply:     

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

It is the hope of the School of Law to conduct interviews and select a candidate during the spring semester of 2025.

To apply, please submit a cover letter indicating interest in the position, a CV, and three names of references at The job ID is 54690.