Rule 6.06: Return to active status

MCLE requirements

A lawyer whose license is inactive may apply to the chief disciplinary counsel to return to active status. The application shall be obtained from the chief disciplinary counsel and can be found at Pursuant to Rule 6.06(a)(3), an application for return to active status shall be accompanied by certification from The Missouri Bar of completion of a total of at least 15 credit hours of continuing legal education within 12 months prior to the date the application is submitted.

Rule 6.06 requirement

At least three of the total 15 reported credit hours must be devoted exclusively to accredited ethics programs, seminars, and activities, including professionalism, substance abuse, mental health, legal or judicial ethics, malpractice prevention, explicit or implicit bias, diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency. At least one of the three ethics credit hours for accredited programs, seminars, and activities must be devoted exclusively to explicit or implicit bias, diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency. Up to six of the 15 hours required by Rule 6.06 may be satisfied through self-study, but self-study may not be reported to comply with the three-hour ethics requirement or one-hour explicit or implicit bias, diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency credit hours. Missouri does not accredit on-demand programming, and on-demand programming may only be utilized towards self-study credit. Download this memo for additional information regarding on-demand programming.

Rule 6.06 affidavit

Prior to submitting a completed application for return to active status to the chief disciplinary counsel, please complete the Rule 6.06 MCLE Affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to The Missouri Bar MCLE department for verification of MCLE compliance.

If you are still in need of MCLE programming, you may search for upcoming accredited programs in Missouri at this link. Any questions about a particular program should be directed to the sponsor of the program. If you attended live programs/webinars in another state, you may also search Missouri’s database of accredited programs to crosscheck approval in Missouri and obtain the Missouri Program ID.

To request accreditation of a program not on the searchable database, please submit your request electronically on the “My MCLE” portal under the "Submit Program for Accreditation" link. Program hours reported for Rule 6.06 compliance purposes may also be utilized to fulfill the annual MCLE requirements of Rule 15 if the program reported occurred during the current Rule 15 reporting period. Rule 15 reporting periods occur from July 1 of the previous calendar year through June 30 of the current calendar year. After review, approved programs submitted for accreditation will be listed in your online Annual Report for Rule 15 fulfillment purposes.

Upon receipt of the completed Rule 6.06 MCLE Affidavit and verification of compliance, The Missouri Bar MCLE department will send a compliance letter via email to the applicant, which should be included with the application for return to active status to the chief disciplinary counsel.

If you have any questions about MCLE, do not hesitate to contact the mcle department at 573-638-2233 or

For questions regarding the attorney enrollment fees, please contact Missouri Attorney Enrollment, Supreme Court of Missouri, at 573-751-4144 or

For questions regarding the application for return to active status, please contact the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel at 573-635-7400.