Strategies for Well-being: Now More Than Ever

Wednesday, Sept. 16

12 noon - 1 p.m.
1.2 MCLE |1.2 Ethics
1.0 Kansas Credit / 1.0 Kansas Ethics

Bree Buchanan, Senior Advisor for Krill Strategies, will make the case for why paying attention to our own well-being – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic – is essential to maintaining fitness and competence to practice. She will share how the lawyer well-being movement in the U.S. legal system is taking hold, how legal employers are benefiting from this new priority and what individual lawyers can do to promote their own health and wellness. Ms. Buchanan will share her expertise from working on these issues across the U.S. and internationally with attendees during a Q & A session immediately following her presentation.

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Bree Buchanan, JD, MSF

Senior Advisor for Krill Strategies

Bree Buchanan is founding co-chair of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being and is a co-author of its groundbreaking 2017 report, The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change . Ms. Buchanan is chair of the ABA Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs (2017-2020) which works to ensure assistance is readily available for those in the legal community experiencing issues related to substance use or mental health issues … Full Bio

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