Model Policy


The Missouri Bar is dedicated to helping Missouri lawyers better help their clients. Substance abuse and mental health issues can interfere with an attorney’s ability to provide quality legal services to their clients. Those same issues also can detrimentally affect the quality of life of the attorney and his or her family. The Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program (MOLAP) is a free, confidential counseling service designed to assist lawyers and law firms with mental health and substance concerns. Based on the work of the New York State Bar Association, the Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program offers this Model Policy for Law Firms to assist law firms in addressing substance abuse and mental health problems. We believe this model policy can be a valuable tool for law firms when it comes to addressing a lawyer’s substance abuse and/or mental health issues. It is intended for use as a sample and can be modified to suit the needs of your practice or firm. The following model policy was endorsed by The Missouri Bar Board of Governors.