Editorial policy
The Journal of The Missouri Bar assists members of The Missouri Bar in keeping abreast of changes in legal developments and in meeting their professional obligations. The Journal welcomes submission of articles relating to any legal topic of interest to Missouri lawyers. Criteria for publication include the quality of the article, its substantive value, its general interest to Missouri lawyers and the originality of its subject matter. Articles of a historical nature, articles which relate to cases pending before any court or agency and articles previously published in whole or substantial part will not be accepted for publication. Consistent with the Journal's format, the language of submissions should be gender-neutral. Articles must conform to the "Tips for authors" and "Citation guidelines" adopted by the Journal
The Journal of The Missouri Bar encourages all its members to contribute substantive law articles for publication.
Reservation of a topic is strongly encouraged. To reserve a topic contact Editor
Nicole Roberts-Hillen.
The Journal Editorial Review Board reviews each submitted article for its substantive value and general interest to members of The Missouri Bar. Interested in serving on the editorial review board?
Complete this interest form.
Letter to the editor: All submissions to “The Bar Speaks” must relate to the subject matter of a previous article or column appearing in the Journal of The Missouri Bar. In the case of multiple letters regarding the same subject matter, the Journal reserves the right to print only one letter as indicative of the thoughts expressed. This policy in no way infringes upon other policies related to Journal submissions, including the right to decline publication of items that are libelous, obscene, or inappropriate for publication.
The Journal is not copyrighted as a publication, but authors may copyright their individual articles. Opinions and positions stated in signed material are those of the authors and not necessarily those of The Missouri Bar or the Journal. The material within this publication is presented as information to be used by lawyers, in conjunction with other research deemed necessary, in the exercise of their independent judgment. Original and fully current sources of authority should be researched.
Publication of advertising material is not an endorsement by The Missouri Bar or the Journal of the advertised product or service.