Appointment Vacancies

Seek Appointment to Boards or Commissions

The Missouri Bar Board of Governors routinely appoints members to serve on various boards or commissions related to the practice of law or the justice system. Please find a listing of appointment notices below.

To apply for an appointment, simply complete the online Appointment Application Form by the deadline listed in the appointment notice. The Appointments Committee of the Board of Governors will then conduct a thorough review of all applicants and prepare a recommendation for appointment to present at a regular meeting of the Board of Governors.

The Appointments Committee is committed to diversity and inclusiveness within the memberships of Missouri Bar committees. To that end, the Appointments Committee will consider diverse elements of the bar – including but not limited to age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, geography, firm size, and area of practice – when considering potential appointees.

Legal Services of Southern Missouri Board of Directors (Area 3)
The Missouri Bar Board of Governors is seeking applications from Missouri lawyers to serve on the Legal Services of Southern Missouri Board of Directors.

Appointment notice and request for applications
Legal Services of Southern Missouri Board of Directors

The Missouri Bar Board of Governors is seeking applications from members of The Missouri Bar residing in Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Iron, Madison, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, and Wayne counties for appointment to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of Legal Services of Southern Missouri (LSSM).  The Board of Governors will be making an appointment to the committee to fill the remainder of an unexpired term, beginning immediately and ending on August 31, 2026.


LSSM is a private, not-for-profit corporation that provides core legal services in the areas of domestic/sexual violence, family, consumer, housing, public benefits, and elder law.
The LSSM Board of Directors consists of 14 individuals – both lawyers and members of the general public – from the corporation's service area. Board members serve six-year terms, with a maximum of three terms. The board hosts four meetings per year within its 43-county service areaIf a board member is unable to travel to the meeting location, arrangements will be made to allow the board member to participate via telephoneLSSM reimburses board members for actual and reasonable expenses related to attendance at board meetings or other events.

Each member of the board of directors will serve on at least one committee (Personnel, Finance, Legal Needs, or Client Grievance)Board members may expect to allocate up to two hours of time to their task during months in which a board meeting is held and approximately one hour each of the remaining monthsLSSM communicates with its board members monthly through the board's web portal and/or email. 


Legal Services Corporation regulations prohibit board members and members of their law firms from handling cases through LSSM's Judicare Program.
To apply, please complete the online application form and provide a statement of interest and complete biographical information (CV or resume).  This seat will be open until it is filled.  Please direct any questions concerning the appointments process or specific appointments to

The Missouri Bar is committed to diversity in its appointments.

Posted: January 26, 2024