Lawyer well-being resources

ABA Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs - Download a list of mental health resources   for the legal profession during COVID-19
Substance use resources:
Suicide prevention lifeline - Free, confidential 24/7 support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for oneself and others: 1-800-273-TALK

Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program:
It’s natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief & worry before, during & after a disaster such as a pandemic. 
Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program  is here to help you take care of your emotional health through free and confidential counseling. Call 24/7 to get help now:

(800) 688-7859

MOLAP resources and videos to aid with lawyer well-being and stress reduction. 

Free Programs

Practice management resources

Resources from The Missouri Bar:
Member Benefits:
Legaler offers free video conference plan for 12 months to solo practitioners and firms with less than 10 lawyers

Economic resources

Economic impact payments:
IRS - Economic impact payments: What you need to know
Families First Coronavirus Response Act:


Government and health care resources

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has opened a statewide public hotline for anyone who has questions about the coronavirus, or COVID-19. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can reach the hotline at 877-435-8411. 

Law student resources

During these unprecedented times amid COVID-19, the Missouri Bar YLS is dedicated to help young lawyers and law students navigate through this. Below is a list of resources available to help you. 
As always, the Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program  is FREE for law students and young lawyers and is here to help you take care of your emotional health through confidential counseling. Call 24/7 to get help now: (800) 688-7859



We’re here to help you even better serve your clients. Most Missouri Bar employees are working remotely, with services readily available to members and the public via phone and email. Contact a member of our staff or send us a message so we can help answer your question.

Contact The Missouri Bar      Staff Directory